Upcoming Dates and Events

With only 4 rounds of the Junior League Season remaining, here are a few upcoming dates for you:

8th SeptSaturdayAll dayFinal Day of the Junior League SeasonVarious
15th SeptSaturdayTBCU16 and U18 Grand FinalsMawson Playing Fields
25th SeptTuesday6.30pm and 7.30pmU10-18 Presentation NightHellenic Club
17th OctWednesday6pm and 7pmTerm 4 Street SoccerMawson Playing FIeldsFor U6-12 Players
Registration details to TBA
8 weeks
18th OctThursdays and FridaysTBCBoys U10-13 Development ProgramMawson Playing FieldsFor U10-13 Players
Registration details to be advised.
29th NovThursday7.00pmWVSC AGMHellenic ClubAll Welcome to Attend!

Details regarding the Term 4 Programs will be available soon.

If you have any questions please email admin@wvsc.com.au