WVSC Junior League Starts Saturday 24th April Posted on April 19, 2021 by Woden Valley Soccer Club 19 Apr The junior season, for U5-18 players, kicks off this weekend, on Saturday 24th April Draws will be released through the week and posted here and on our website U7-9 games are at Mawson Playing Fields U10-18 games will be at venues around the ACT depending on the draw game times are here: https://wvsc.org.au/junior-players/season-game-times/ your coach or manager will contact you through the week regarding training and team details remember to visit Intersport Wyalla Street Fyshwick to pick up your WVSC shorts and socks, shinpads and boots. We supply your playing shirt for the season! we’re excited to see you all! 2021 WVSC Lightning Tournament Draw 2021 U7-18 Draws are now available