Miniroos 7-9

2024 Girls U7-9s

Season 2024 – U7 Girls Draw 2.0

Season 2024 – U8 Girls Draw 2.0

Season 2024 – U9 Girls Draw 2.0

2024 Open U7-9s

WVSC MiniRoos Draw – Open U7s V2

WVSC MiniRoos Draw – Open U8s

WVSC MiniRoos Draw – Open U9s

U9s coming soon!

Miniroos Game Day Pitches.

Team Format

Age Group Players on Team

Players on Field


U7 9 per squad play a‘Split Game’*



Cone Goals
U8 and U9 8-9 per team (1-2 subs)


(inc.   Goalie)


Medium-sized Goals and Nets

These formats align with Football Federation Australia’s Miniroos and will provide players with enjoyable match experiences as they learn the game and move towards 9v9 football in U10s and 11s.

*U7 Split Game*

On match day teams will break into two groups to play two concurrent 4v4 games against an opposing team alongside each other. After the halftime break, one team can switch fields and play a second game against another group from the opposing team.

From week to week different combinations of players should be used. This format will help to mix things up, minimise lopsided games, take the focus away from the score and enable teams to remain together moving into U8s the following year.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Additional resources and info for parents can be found at the PlayFootball website here.