Juniors, News

2017 Kanga Cup

Have you registered your team for Kanga Cup? Kanga Cup is the largest tournament in the Southern Hemisphere! Kanga Cup is for U9 to18 teams, and held 2nd to 6th July. Team registration and deposit is due by 19th May to secure your place. For details please follow this link: http://kangacup.com/kanga-cup-2017/register/  

Juniors, News

Paul Jones Goal Keeper Training

WVSC are pleased to announce Paul Jones Goal Keeper training sessions will be held during Term 2 and 3. All WVSC U12-18 Goal Keepers are encouraged to attend. There is no cost to attend the sessions, and players are not required to register beforehand. Paul Jones Goal Keeping Training Commencing Wednesday 3rd May for Term 2 […]

Juniors, News

2017 U10-18 Division 1 and 2 Team Annoucements

Thank you to all players that attended trials at WVSC. Provisional Team lists are now available. Congratulations at all players. Players NOT wishing to accept their team position, please email admin@wvsc.com.au as soon as possible. Coaches and Managers are still required for many teams. If you are available to assist, please email admin@wvsc.com.au Coaches and Managers […]

Juniors, News

Upcoming Dates

Teams are being finalised and U10-18 Division 1 and 2 teams will be posted on our website in the next few days. Division 3 players will be contacted by your team coach or manager. U7 to 9 teams will be finalised a soon as possible. We thank you for your patience during this time. Upcoming […]